Photos from the early 1980s
"Al's Boys" - Keith Jeffords, Mark Pitts, Kevin Bowdle, Doug Morris,
Ben Johnson, Bill Green, Bill Rutledge, Rodney Bryant
Rodney Bryant and Mark Pitts
Eddie Brown at retreat
Fall 1980 Executive Committee - Keith Jeffords, Kevin Bowdle,
Mark Pitts, Kent Hawkins, Ron Dorris
Upsilon in 1980 - (click on image to enlarge)
(above 5 photos courtesy of Keith Jeffords)
1980 Talent show - Front row (L-R) : Bill Green, David Sulcer, Randy O'Bannon, Jerome Hamilton, Ben Johnson
Back row (L-R) : Mark Pitts, Rodney Bryant, Doug Morris, Dean Bowers, Jeff Dennison,
Roby Walker, Guy Glass, Gary Taylor, Jack Moring, Keith Pennington
Tapline from 1979-80 : Front (L-R) : Jack Moring, Keith Jeffords, Carla Talley, Byron Powers, Steve Sawyer, Guy Glass,
Nancy Christmas, Twyla Dougherty, Bill Green, Kent Hawkins, Rena Jones, Jerome Hamilton, David Gibson,
Keith Pennington, Kevin Bowdle, Mark Pitts, Elaine Thompson.
Little Brother Ron Cain is quizzed by (L-R) Keith Pennington, Roby Walker, and Doug Morris
1980 Parade of Favorites
(above 4 photos courtesy of Roby Walker)