Upsilon 2001-2002

Fall 2001 Little Sisters - Christmas Banquet
(L to R) - Aimee Dew, Katie Plunkett, Tara Simmons,
Rachael Digulio, Kristen Kuhn

Spring 2001 Little Sisters - Formal
(L to R) - Tara Simmons, Joyce Watson, Amber Holt,
Katie Plunkett, Aimee Dew, Kristen Kuhn

Fall 2001 Dessert Party
(L to R) - Austin Davis, Adam Brown, Derek Smith, Tori Brown,
Blake Anderson, Stephen LaMahna, Seth LaMagna, Wes Thorton

Tap night - Spring 2001
Back row - (L to R) - Seth LaMagna, Tori Brown, Brandon Rogers,
Zac Rolland (and son Avery), Blake Anderson, Philip McClarty

Front row - (L to R) - Ben Tolles, Stephen LaMagna

3 Big Rims
(L to R) - Paul Rankin, Derek Smith, Kent Windham

Spring 2001 Formal
(click on photo to enlarge)

One occasion where it's good to be 'Derek Smith'
(L to R) - Samantha Natola, Rachael DiGulio, Derek Smith,
Melissa Martin, Sarah LaMagna

Spring 2002 Formal
(L to R) - Derek Smith, Cameron Jones, Erin Quinley,
Blake Anderson, Aimee Dew, Nikki Stokely

(All photos courtesy of Derek Smith)