Purpose : To promote Christian fellowship, scholarly pursuits,
dedicated service, and to develop Christian character on the Lee University
Philosophy : Service and Fellowship
Motto : Be ready to assist any other brother who has a need
Club Scripture : Whether therefore ye eat, drink, or whatsoever
ye do, do all to the glory of God. - I Cor 10:31
Crest : Designed by Wolfgang Stoltz. The cross stands for Jesus
Christ and truth; the lantern, for knowledge.
Greek translation for Upsilon : "to serve, to render service, to
be helpful" - Acts 13:36
Greek translation for Xi : "to show hospitality" I Tim 5:10
Upsilon Xi Outline
I Purpose
A. Acquire Christian Fellowship
B. Enhance scholarly pursuits
C. Exemplify Christ
II Conduct
A. On campus
1. Strive to be the top student in every class
2. Set an example in the dormitory
3. In public, exemplify Christ
B. In Upsilon Functions
1. Be orderly at banquets, meetings, and parties
2. Respect older and more experienced brother
III Spiritual Life - (I Cor 10:31)